About Us

Our Sisterhood


Sisterhood of the Moon is a matriarchal Goddess Tradition and community for all offering open lunar, solar, and other cosmic rites; we are devoted to the empowerment of women and people of integrity while honoring the Goddess Within and Without.

Sisterhood of the Moon was born on Imbolc 2010.  Our Tradition is connected to a vortex of energy that is primal, creative, and improvisational whilst remaining grounded in a shared cosmology framed by the cycling of the Moon and the Sun.  Our intention is to encourage each person to find their own Path to and connection with the Goddess.

We are always inclusive of all women.

Our in-person community gathers in the Bay Area of California, near Oakland.

Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft & Magick takes inspiration from Women’s Spirituality, Feminism, New England Witchcraft, Green Witchcraft, the Dianic Tradition, the Wise Woman Tradition, the Aloha Tradition, and the myriad of other studies, trainings, and experiences of our High Priestess and Ordained Sisterhood of the Moon Priestesses. We are a living, breathing Tradition, shifting, growing, changing, and transforming at all times. You are invited to align with our mission and add your magick to ours!

Please see our website for more information and learn more about inclusivity within our community here.

Our Facilitator & Alchemical Guide


Lady Jesamyn has over 35 years of experience with the Goddess Arts, ritual, and magick and is a seasoned Ordained High Priestess, Ritualist, Teacher, Muse, Alchemical Guide, Oracle, Green Witch, Women's Empowerment Facilitator, Red Thread Carrier, and Certified Intentional Creativity Guide®.

Jesamyn brings her joie de vivre, humor, and wit to all she does, combining these qualities with serious study and the practical, foundational skills in leadership, communication, and Witchcraft she has been cultivating for over three decades. Lady Jesamyn’s offerings for women are inclusive of *all* women, trans and cis.

Herstory: Dedicated to the Goddess as a Maiden, she has been practicing and studying Witchcraft since the age of 13, Goddess Spirituality since the age of 19, and Green Witchery since her early twenties. Jesamyn holds a BFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College, Boston, MA; Herbalist Certification from both Rosemary Gladstar and Barbara Nardozzi, VT; Holistic Health Certification from the World School, San Francisco, CA; and was Initiated as a Daughters of the Goddess Temple Priestess in 2004 and then Ordained in that Tradition in 2008. Lady Jesamyn was recognized as Clergy at the Goddess Festival in La Honda, CA in 2010 and then received her Queendom/High Priestess Ordination at that Festival in 2012.  She also received High Priestess designation from Granny Moon at The Goddess School in 2017. In August of 2020, she became an Initiate in the Temple of Witchcraft and in March of 2022, a Priestess in this Tradition. In September of 2021, she was certified as a Red Thread Carrier and Intentional Creativity® Guide through the MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity.

She gives gratitude to all of her beloved companions and colleagues of the Path for their unyielding support, especially her Priestess-Sister Lady Sabrina Moon, Sisterhood of the Moon community Belladonna Sisters, and all of her teachers, mentors, and role models, past, present, and future. She offers especial appreciation for the wisdom and inspiration gained from exploring the work of Women’s Spirituality Foremother, Shekhinah Mountainwater; Elder Witch, Laurie Cabot; and Honored Ancestress, Shakti Gawain.

In addition, she acknowledges with deep honor and gratitude these mentors and teachers: Allison Stillman, Master Aromatherapist and Alchemist; Shiloh Sophia, founder of Musea and The Intentional Creativity® movement, “a global community of creatives;” Carolyn Elliott, author of “Awaken Your Genius;” and Christopher Penczak, co-founder of the Temple of Witchcraft.

She is vowed to lifelong study and particularly enjoys ritual creation and facilitation, the oracular path, and manifestation magick.  Her spiritual ministry is dedicated to empowering women and other people of integrity through truth-speaking, authenticity, and self-exploration.

You can join Lady Jesamyn’s community on Patreon here and read her (very occasional) blog on Modern Priestessing here.

You are invited to read Debra DeAngelo’s December 2019 SageWoman magazine article about Lady Jesamyn here (or support the magazine by purchasing a copy of it here) and to check out the replay of the Elemental Blessing and Self-Anointing Ceremony for Goddess Pax—Peace Within and Without—offered at the Feminine Frequency Festival in December of 2022.